ANTICIPATION- also called ANTIC, preparation for the action
LINE OF ACTION- imaginary line that extends through the main action of the figure
PATH OF ACTION- the path that the action of the animation follows
SQUASH- compressed
STRETCH- expanded
ARC- curve in the path of action
SPACING- distance between drawings
TIMING- fast and slow of movement/written on right bottom side of the paper
SLOW IN- timing of action from fast to slow
SLOW OUT- timing of action from slow to fast
DRAG- delay in the movement
FOLLOW THROUGH-an action almost never comes to sudden stop but generally carried past its end. Example; golfer hitting a ball
SECONDARY ACTION- another action that adds support to the main action. Example; hair moving within a run action
SETTLE- an extra pose to soften an action to a stop
CUSHION- a fine slowing into a stop
EXAGGERATION- slight distortion in the drawings
OVERSHOOT- the main action slightly pushed
STRAIGHT AHEAD ANIMATION- a method of animating where the animator starts from the first drawing and draw his way spontaneously to the end of the scene.
POSE TO POSE ANIMATION- (also called planned animation) a method of animating key drawings base on a plan.
TAKE- extreme reaction
KEY POSES- (also called extremes) critical positions the character takes within a certain motion
ROUGH- quick sketch of the animation
FLIPPING- turning the pages of animation drawings quickly to view the action
INBETWEENING- the drawing between the key poses
CLEAN UP- clean and finely-drawn versions of the rough animation
BREAKDOWN- is the main inbetween drawing roughed out by animator to guide the inbetweener
THUMBNAIL- small sketches
PIVOT POINTS- the joints that is used to move the parts of a 2D figure in the digital animation.
1 foot - 16 frames
24 frames - 1 second
1 minute - 1440 frames
Moving hold - the character can be trace back or held with one or two moving bits. eg. Head is held for several frames and only the eyes are moving (Blinking).
Fast action - further apart the key drawings and less inbetweens.
Generally Lighter character has quicker and more agile movements.
Slow-in is another term for ease-in.
Slow-out is another term for ease-out.
Line of action - imaginary line extending through the main action of the figure.
2 and 3 represents the 2 inbetween drawing, 1 and 4 are the key drawings.
Slow-in timing. Keys 1 and 4, in-betweens are more favoring key number 4 (fast to slow action)